Green Energy

As the world rushes to become carbon neutral, Green Energy technology is getting deployed, connected and exposed to attack. Faction can help.

green energy
network nodes
faction - network


The Green Energy revolution relies upon decentralized, smart infrastructure that can send data - and energy - in any direction. Deploy Faction Virtual Private Circuits to take those chargers, batteries and devices OFF of the Internet and safe from malicious tampering

CyberSecurity Challenges for Green Energy Organizations


  1. Securing machinery and devices that by nature are distributed but MUST be connected.
  2. Ensuring secure communication between different parties that coordinate and collaborate to maintain infrastructure.
  3. Deploying and managing traditional secure networking hardware into home and other distributed environments is resource-intensive, complex, and costly.
  4. Providing point-to-point connections while maintaining scalability and flexibility.


  1. Securing machinery and devices that by nature are distributed but MUST be connected.
  2. Securing legacy devices with unsupported operating systems which cannot be upgraded or replaced without huge expense.
  3. Establishing & maintaining secure connections between BYOD apps installed by vendors and customers and devices they need to access.
  4. Keeping Cloud application servers that must control such devices safe from Internet attacks.


  1. Keeping email and other communications between independent parties that must collaborate private and secure.
  2. Sharing and storing large data files required to ensure compliance while avoiding breaches.
  3. Keeping data that is downloaded and stored on BYOD devices private and secure.
  4. Giving owners of electric cars and other smart vehicles  control of their data – and the sharing of it – without creating complex rules and workflows.

Faction Puts You In Control

Your Keys. Your Network. Your Data.
The way we have combined these capabilities simplifies, streamlines and eliminates many of the paint points of Virtual Private Networks, Software Defined Networks and Data Encryption. The result of all this is a solution that enables everyday users, small to mid-sized businesses and distributed teams of all sizes to take control of their own security for their most important communications, devices and data.


Create and Control Your Own Personal Private Network


    The Cloud is Compromised - so remove it from the equation

    Easy to Use

    Encrypt data at ALL times with keys created and controlled by the data owner


    Take smart, dumb and legacy devices that cannot protect themselves OFF of the Internet into your Faction Network


    Encrypt data at ALL time with keys created and controlled by the data owner

Key Capabilities for Green Energy

Faction Networks address the three critical challenges of securing networking, data and devices for innovators of all sizes in Green Energy with a single, low-cost solution that is easy to deploy and easy to use.

Build You Own Pod Networks

Effortlessly build a totally private and secure network to protect and share devices across any number of locations - whether in a large home, office or other property, or multiple sites located anywhere in the world.

  • Protect Cameras & Devices Spread Across a Large Property

  • Share and Protect Devices with family, friends & teams across the world

  • Access Your Home/Office Devices, Web and Streaming While Traveling


Join our Pilot Program to Try Faction Now

We are now accepting pilot customers and partners into our program. If you are interested, please fill out the form below to apply, and we will be in touch very soon!

Pilot Program